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UC Davis Fire Department
UC Davis Fire Department
Serving With Pride & Excellence
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Campus Fire Drill Request
UC Davis Fire Department
I Need To
Campus Fire Drill Request
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Information message
Fire evacuation drills facilitated by the Fire Department can be requested through the form below. The Fire Department will lock-out, activate, and restore the fire alarm system in your building, as well as answer any questions from the assembled group following the evacuation. It is the responsiblity of your Department Safety Coordinator to have an evacuation plan unique to your department, and to inform employees of their appropriate evacuation route prior to the drill.
When you provide preferred dates below, please note that the Fire Department will do its best to arrange a drill on a provided date, but will need. to calendar your request within an existing pre-scheduled activities. Emeregency response can cause last minute cancellations, please be aware. As such, dates more than two weeks out are more likely to be accomodated.
Once requested, a member of our staff will contact you via email within three business days to coordinate the date and time of your drill.
Please enter your name
First Name
Last Name
Are you the Department Safety Coordinator Y or N
Contact Information
Campus Unit/Department
Building Name
Building Address
Fire Drill Date/Time Choice 1
Fire Drill Date/Time Choice 1: Date
Fire Drill Date/Time Choice 1: Time
Fire Drill Date/Time Choice 2
Fire Drill Date/Time Choice 2: Date
Fire Drill Date/Time Choice 2: Time
If located off the main UC Davis Campus, provide name of alarm system
Do not fill out this field