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Committed to Your Safety—Call 911 for Fast Response

Calling 911 is completely free, and our team is ready to respond quickly to keep situations under control. Whether it’s a medical concern, a fire alarm, or something that doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to call. The sooner our dispatchers are notified, the sooner our first responders can act.

UC Davis Celebrates Arrival of New Ladder Truck with Traditional Push-In Ceremony

On Nov. 19, the UC Davis Fire Department celebrated the arrival of its new Fire Truck with a traditional push-in ceremony. 

This tradition dates back to the era of horse-drawn fire carriages when firefighters would physically push a new firefighting vehicle into the station. Held at Station 34, the event marked a milestone for the department, which only replaces its ladder truck every 15–20 years.

2024 Resuscitation Academy

UC Davis Fire Department is hosting the 2024 Resuscitation Academy on October 14 and 15. Register today!

The UC Davis Fire Department will once again host the two-day free training event, which covers the latest findings in resuscitation, CPR, and post-resuscitation pre-hospital care. Attendees can choose to attend a single day (either day) or both days.



Fire Day on the Quad 2024

Fire Day on the Quad will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1 from 11am-1pm on West Quad at UC Davis. Highlights include a vehicle extrication demonstration, interactive trainings in use of a fire extinguisher, hands-only CPR, and more! Free t-shirts will also be given away.