The UC Davis Fire Department’s student EMTs and firefighters are seeing emotion on both sides of the needle at the Davis campus’s COVID-19 vaccine clinic where the fire personnel are administering the bulk of the shots.
Student EMTs are helping their fellow students move safely into on-campus quarantine, thanks to a collaboration between the UC Davis Fire Department, Student Health and Counseling Services and Student Housing.
The UC Davis Fire Department is taking the next step in proactive prevention by making Stop the Bleed kits available for on campus departments and highlighting the importance of being prepared for bleeding control.
A fun-filled, educational day focused on all things fire prevention and safety.
Join UC Davis firefighters and all their cool trucks out on the Quad during Fire Prevention Week on Wednesday, Oct. 9 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Donations for Camp Fire VictimsAccepted until 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14
The Camp Fire continues to burn in Butte County with thousands of residents affected and displaced from their residences. The UC Davis Fire Department is collecting new and lightly used items that can help to meet the most critical needs of people and animals, some of whom have lost everything.