Four Firefighters dressed in special gear

Summer 2024 Wildfire Deployments

Following UC Davis Fire Deployments to help contain the summer wildfires across the state.

August 20, 2024 -- All UC Davis Fire Department resources are back on campus.

August 15, 2024 -- Brush Truck 34 returned with four UC Davis Firefighters, with the last one returning back on Saturday (Aug. 17)

August 9, 2024 -- UC Davis decided to deployed Captain Steve Dunn as a Strike Team Leader to the Park Fire to lead a type III engine strike team made up of regional resources. 

Read more on Dateline.

August 7, 2024 -- The Brush 34 truck has returned back to campus this afternoon briefly before returning back to the Park Fire with a fresh crew. The previous crew at the Park Fire has reached their 14-day deployment limit.

Meanwhile, the School of Veterinary Medicine’s California Veterinary Emergency Team, or CVET, ended its response to the Park Fire yesterday. 

The Park Fire has burned 427,000 acres and was 34% contained as of this morning, Cal Fire said.

More about this on Dateline.

Vet carrying dog
A CVET staff member carries a dog with bandaged paws in Butte County. CVET has treated 164 animals for injuries. (Eunah Preston/CVET)

August 6, 2024 -- One firefighter returns from the Park Fire last night. "At the same time, members of the School of Veterinary Medicine’s California Veterinary Emergency Team, or CVET, have been on hand to help treat evacuated animals. In their first week working out of trailers at two shelter locations in Oroville, they treated 100 small animals and 64 large animals, public information officer Eunah Preston said." (From Dateline)

July 27, 2024 -- On Friday, firefighters from the UC Davis Fire Department were reassigned from the Gold Complex Fire to the Park Fire, which currently spans Butte, Plumas, Shasta and Tehama counties.

Learn more about the Park Fire from Dateline.

July 26, 2024 -- The crew who has been fighting the fires at the Shelly Fire since July 9th has returned to campus on Sunday (July 21). 

"The Gold Complex Fire was 3,000 acres and 11% contained as of this morning, Cal Fire said. It includes four fires near the city of Portola." 

Read more about these fires on Dateline.

July 24, 2024 -- At about 2 a.m. this morning Brush 34 deployed to the Gold Complex in Plumas County as part of a regional strike team, with 3 Yolo County resources.

(Note: This is the same incident that Captain Mercado is deployed on separately as a strike team leader trainee.)

For more information about the Gold Complex:

brush 34 truck
Brush 34 Truck

July 23, 2024 -- Just before 10 p.m. last night Captain Cess Mercado deployed in an overhead position as a Strike Team Leader Trainee as part of a Type I Engine strike team made up of regional resources to the Mill Fire (now part of the Gold Complex) in Plumas County. 

Brush 34 and other Yolo Type III resources have been made available as of 9 a.m. this morning for deployment. 

July 21, 2024 -- The Brush 34 truck has returned back to Davis in afternoon after being released from the Shelly Fire as part of a Yolo County Type III Strike team.

July 16, 2024 -- The Shelly fire has grown to 15,000 acres with 5% containment as of this morning, according to Cal Fire.

To learn more about this update, read here.

July 9, 2024 -- The firefighters left campus July 9 abroad Brush Truck 34, bound for the Shelly Fire in Siskiyou County. This is the second week that the UC Davis Fire Department has been on the front lines of the Shelly fire that started July 3.