UC Davis Fire Earns National Desingation and Recognition for Emergency Medical Services & Education

UC Davis Fire Department Earns National Desingation and Recognition for Emergency Medical Services & Education

On Saturday February 29th, in Boston at the National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference, UC Davis Fire Department received a prestigious national designation and two awards for our EMS and Pre-Hospital Care preparation, response, and education/outreach work. We are the first university in California to receive any of these:

HeartSafe Campus Designation

The National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF) encourages and promotes community awareness of the potential for saving the lives of sudden cardiac arrest victims through the use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and increased public access to defibrillation. In order to increase this awareness, NCEMSF, with support from HEARTSAFE Communities, the American Heart Association, The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation and industry partners, has developed an initiative to designate college communities as “HEARTSafe Campuses.” NCEMSF affirms that the cornerstone of any HEARTSafe Campus is a vibrant campus-based emergency medical response organization.


Striving for Excellence in Campus EMS Award
The Striving for Excellence in Campus EMS recognition program begins with an institutional self-evaluation using the NCEMSF Striving for Excellence Packet. NCEMSF verifies the information submitted in the packet and presents organizations successfully meeting the standards outlined with this validation. Striving for Excellence organizations represent the gold standard for campus EMS delivery and care. They serve as benchmark organizations against which other campus based EMS groups should compare themselves. The recognition is available to operational EMS organizations of all types, whether providing quick response, basic life support transport, and/or advanced life support services. Striving for Excellence is a three-year certification.

EMS Ready Campus Award
The National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation EMS Ready Campus program is designed to recognize excellence in emergency management and disaster preparedness of collegiate EMS organizations.  Additionally, the program provides a framework for the enhancement of emergency management education, overall campus preparedness, and response capabilities for the applicant organization. Organizations will have the opportunity to receive recognition through a combination of self-evaluation, dynamic interaction with NCEMSF staff, and by completing a group of prescribed tasks.

"These achievements are a recognition of something that we already know, UC Davis Fire is an exceptional organization - because of each and every one of you! It's our entire department that makes things like this possible and I'm so proud of the contributions you all make to excellence each and every day!

 I would be remiss not to give a special thanks to EMS Captain Hatcher, Lead SEMT Micah Dela Cruz, Sr SEMT Avery Asera, Meg Scannell, and Beth Schroeder for their work to gather all the required information needed to be evaluated for these recognitions," said UC Davis Fire Chief Nathan Trauernicht.

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