New AED Inspection Program
Beginning this summer, UC Davis Fire Department Student EMTs are going to start performing safety and maintenance checks on all campus automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
At minimum, the AEDs will be checked quarterly by UCDFD staff, with the goal of checking every AED monthly.
The AED check will consist of the following:
- The AED’s location is correct and a current picture is uploaded into the PulsePoint App
- The AED is fully operational with a green indicator light
- The AED electrodes are not expired
- The battery is charged and ready for use
- The Ready Response Kit is fully stocked
If a problem is identified, our students will report the problem to our EMS Division, the fire department will purchase the necessary supplies to make the AED operational (i.e: replacement pads, replacement batteries, etc…), our students will make the necessary repairs to the AED, and your department will be recharged for the cost of the accessories replaced, as is current practice.
If you have a Community Stop the Bleed Kit, our student employees will also be checking those kits for operational readiness.
While our students are checking the AEDs, I would like to encourage you and your staff to interact with them and ask them questions about the use of the PulsePoint App, the use of the AED(s), how to perform CPR, or about our training programs.
I hope that you find this new program beneficial and valuable. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Scott A. Hatcher
EMS Captain/Pre-Hospital Care Coordinator
UC Davis Fire Department
Tel: 530.574.5927