New Student EMTs Welcomed with Badge Pinning Ceremony
On February 10th the UC Davis Fire Department (UCDFD) welcomed seven new Student EMTs (SEMTs) and Senior Student EMT (SrSEMT) at a badge pinning ceremony hosted at the campus Conference and Event Center.
UCDFD Fire Captain Scott Hatcher shared a history of the program that is new to the organization within the last few years as a complementary offering to our student firefighter program and offers real-world experience following participation in our EMT certification program.
Emily Gallindo, Interim Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs and Blair Stephenson, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer - Office of the Vice Chancellor, Finance, Operations and Administration attended the event in addition to members of the department, family, and friends, to celebrate those being hired.
Learn More About Student EMTs
Student EMTs support the fire department and the campus by providing service to our community outreach and education programs, teaching CPR, providing standby EMS coverage at events, and much more! Click to see what the program is all about.
Photo Gallery Of SEMT Badge Pinning Ceremony
Click here to view the gallery!