The new UC Davis Fire Department Website.
Start exploring the new UC Davis Fire Department website now!

UC Davis Fire Dept Launches New Website

Our New Website is Waiting for You!

March 10, 2017 marks the debut of the new UC Davis Fire Department website.  Easier to navigate menus, improved layout, and frequently updated content will help you find exactly what you need when you need it.

Requesting an incident report, submitting an interest card to become a student firefighter or student EMT, registering for an EMT certification class or CPR course, learning more about the UC Davis Fire Department, and so much more is just a click away!

Our new website is the latest example of our efforts to connect the community to the campus fire department.  What visitors to our site see on launch day is just the beginning of a total revamp to our web presence that will connect those we serve to services and information they need.

- Nathan Trauernicht, Fire Chief

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