Beginning this summer, our Student EMT employees are going to start performing safety and maintenance checks on all campus AEDs. At minimum, the AEDs will be checked quarterly by our staff (our goal is to check every AED at least monthly).
Just two days after undergoing annual wildland fire training at UC Davis’ Russell Ranch, the UC Davis Fire Department, and other regional firefighting departments, responded to the largest fire of this year’s early season so far.
On Saturday February 29th, in Boston at the National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference, UC Davis Fire Department received a prestigious national designation and two awards for our EMS and Pre-Hospital Care preparation, response, and education/outreach work.
On February 10th the UC Davis Fire Department (UCDFD) welcomed seven new Student EMTs (SEMTs) and Senior Student EMT (SrSEMT) at a badge pinning ceremony hosted at the campus Conference and Event Center.
UC Davis Fire Department EMS Captain Scott Hatcher becomes the 4th person in the department to receive the Fire Chief's Citation of Excellence. This award is given to a person, or persons, who through an event or program they created have elevated the reputation of the campus fire department and the UC Davis campus as a whole. The event or program will be a representation of the department’s values and seeks to recognize those who selflessly go above and beyond.
Captain Hatcher is the vision behind our EMS and Pre-Hospital Care Division.